
All begins with a bundle. The application uses Symfony Bundles to build the environment. The bundles will be discovered by crawling the composer files of the installed packages. And loaded by composer. So you can guess which parts are mandatory to hook into nanbando.

You can take a look into a already existing nanbando-bundle like Mysql Plugin.


Create a composer.json file and register the repository on packagist.

Add a extra configuration inside of the composer.json.

"extra": {
    "nanbando": {
        "bundle-classes": [

Bundle Class

A Symfony Bundle is simply a structured set of files within a directory that implement a single feature.


namespace Acme\TestBundle;

use Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Bundle\Bundle;

class AcmeTestBundle extends Bundle

In nanbando the bundle can contain a plugin (for backup tasks) or any other extension like event-listener or commands.